Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Saddest Movie Ever

It's in Tamil but damn, for an old film, it's one of the best I've seen from Indian Cinema. It's based on The Godfather so you're torn apart morally and can't decide if the protagonist is a good guy or a bad guy. It's tragic and yet so touching. I cried throughout the whole bloody film. Trust me when I say it's tragic. The hero dies in the end in one of the most "poetic justice" scenes I've ever seen. The scenes are decently choreographed and the dialogue exchanges are poignant and quote-worthy.

It grossed $12 million in the box office and it made it into TIME's top 100 movies along with Lord of the Rings, Schindler's List, Star Wars etc... so you know it's bloody good.

Nayagan (Tamil pronounciation but spelled as Nayakan). Check it out.

I'm still sniffing and blowing my nose :(

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm Such A Retard

There I was with Mum, watching Menopause the Musical. At the end, the guy next to me looks at me and smiles. Out of politeness, I smile back and then I look away. He continues to look at me.

Him: Are you Parveen?
Me: Uhm. Yes. (Looks at him quizically)
Him: Parveen Begum?
Me: Yeaaaa.... (By now a million thoughts are running through my mind)
Him: It's me! Justin!

And that's when it hits me. A million thoughts were running through my mind and yet none of them stopped to ponder if I actually knew the dude. It was Justin! My Justin! We were best mates back in secondary school! Same class... same CCA! We were inseparable. There we were, seated right next to each other! What are the odds of that happening?!

But ditzy me could not even recognise him! I looked him in the eye and smiled at him and yet I didn't recognise him. Sigh indeed. I can sense you shaking your head at me. Did we have a good laugh at that... me still smiling at strangers after all these years. Guess some things don't change.

But bloody hell, it was just marvellous to see him again! We literally hugged the air out of each other. I miss him so bloody much. I hate him for leaving the island and for leaving me :( I didn't think I'd ever see him again and there we were... after so long, we sat through an entire musical together, not knowing we were right beside each other.

That can only happen to me.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Even the Strong Do Falter

Hearing her cry her heart out today was not only a shock to me, but a humbling experience as well. I've always thought of her as a strong individual. Too strong for tears, in fact. It just goes to show that it isn't always about giving your best. What does that matter if your best isn't good enough? You can still fail to meet your own expectations.

I do know that she will pick herself up and move on. She will not allow herself to be judged based on this one moment but rather on how high she bounces back. Now, that is true inspiration.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm So Predictable

I just re-tagged a bunch of my posts... have to differentiate between Them Boys and Deux. Whilst looking through the posts, it struck me that I have the EXACT same title for 2 blog posts - I Won't Let This Build Up Inside Of Me.

It gets freakier. The posts are about the SAME person... mentioning the EXACT same thing.

*cue horror theme* The posts are 3 months apart... to the EXACT SAME date!

I shit you not, dearest readers.

Check it out, if you refuse to believe me.
CLICK.... and then... CLICK...

Or... I just need new material. Heh.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Won't Let This Build Up Inside Of Me

I got it bad. I've been playing the songs he used to sing to me, on repeat, the whole day.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Daddy's Girl?

Mummy found a photograph of me in my dad's wallet. *giggles*

There were laminated photographs of the brothers around the house and in Daddy's shop la...

BUT, but who's the one in the wallet, which is carried around daily? MEEEEE!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Subject Transfer

Anything concerning my dad's condition will be updated in my other blog. Find it yourself. This blog will not be neglected though.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Do You Have the Time to Listen to Me Whine?

I decided to go back to school today and it was a bad decision indeed. Nothing was done during my absence! I thought since the GO called me repeatedly while I was at the hospital, they surely must be aware of the situation and would at the very least cover some of my duties for me. Alas, I was mistaken. I returned to school only to find my desk cluttered with consent forms, notes and what nots. It took me 4 periods to organise that mess.

I am so frustrated! I overhead some of them complaining that my result slips were incomplete and that they were not signed. How the hell can I sign the slips if they're given out when I'm not in school? I do have a co-form don't I? MY DAD'S IN THE HOSPITAL! HE HAD A STROKE! HAVE SOME COMPASSION, YOU ASSHOLES.

Only the attendance was not keyed in; everything else was done the week before. Is it too much of a hassle to do that for me? I can't believe how many people from school bugged me concerning the keying in of attendance!! Of course when they first answered they were all like, "Oh how's your dad?" Then, "By the way, you've not keyed in your attendance." *hurls curse words* And you ask me why I'm unhappy. I leave my dad to go to school and have to deal with all of that. Like, wow, major calamity - no attendance on the results slip. I hate it when I'm frustrated, I get so incoherent.

I'm amazed really, at the lack of compassion and understanding. Or could it be that they just don't care?

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

When Reality is Worser Than Any Nightmare Experienced

The past couple of days have been gruelling, to say the least. Dad's condition is not improving. Aside from this present state which we are in, we also have the future to think about.

The family dynamic is sure to change and the future doesn't look bleak but it doesn't look inviting either. Compromises / sacrifices have to be made and dreams have to be put on hold.

This ain't no rainy day, my dear readers. It sure feels like a monsoon season to me.