Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bollocks and Chains

Dear Senior,

A little birdie informed me of your intentions and plans for our future. I have one gripe with that;
our future? There is no us so there definitely will not be an our. You wanted to be "just friends" and now you want something more? Do you even know what you want, Senior?

I'm so glad it's the holidays and you can't push me into a corner and demand an answer from me (metaphorically, not literally). We did have something good going for us. We were great together but you had to screw it up. I was trying to make the relationship work whereas you were focusing too much on the future and losing sight of the present state which we were in. I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but I'm glad it's over. It was way too much drama for me to handle anyway.

I don't know what you have up your sleeve but it's not going to make me change my mind. I'm moving on and I suggest you do the same.

and shuffle play has to play all the mushy songs just at this very moment... gah!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Have A New Favourite Song

And it is loads better than Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. I have to thank Donnie Darko though. The soundtrack is brilliant, giving the movie a very psychedelic feel. The movie transported me to this different world, I almost felt like I was Donnie and could believe the reality which he created for himself. Hmmm... that made me sound psychotic. See, he sees this huge bunny that somehow convinces him to commit all these crimes; vandalism etc. You would think he had lost it - it's not even a cute bunny; it was a disfigured bunny. Something from your nightmare. The hook in the movie is his obsession with time travel and how that concept made the movie elliptical. Man, I so badly want to own the movie and the soundtrack. Plus, Jake Gyllenhal is absolutely delicious. There, that proves my fatal attraction to the twisted characters.

Back to the song, Tears for Fears'
Head Over Heels. I've listened to it religiously everyday and I literally am lost in the song. It's so 80's sounding and when you listen to it, you will probably find it familiar. Only because SO many recent songs out there have similar melodies. Pirates. Tsk. A good example is that song from Music and Lyrics, what is it... Way Back Into Love... similar melody and that's why the song is so catchy.

Just realised this further proves how old school I am... hahaha...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Crazy Day In a Nutshell

I'm just as amazed as you are; how I find the time to be such a diligent blogger. Blogging is cathartic, as you well now. I thought I'd share with you, what an insane day I had today. This will be one of many, that I am sure of.

Last night, I was fussing over an assembly programme I had to present with a colleague today. Come today, we realised that no announcement was made for it in the morning and the teachers were unaware of the double assembly programme. Obviously we freaked out. All the key personnel in charge of assembly programmes were not in school (very conveniently) including our boss.
Who to speak to? How to inform the school of the assembly programme? How to face the wrath of the teachers coz they would rather spend the time going through the exam papers with the boys? A flurry of questions swarmed us. Thankfully, that was settled in the nick of time and all we had to do was to present twice; once during the lower primary assembly and the other during the upper primary assembly. Boy, were we wrong.

Murphy paid us a visit and almost everything that could go wrong, did. Slide wouldn't play, video files were missing and we had to settle all of that albeit being the presenters. It was a mad rush for us! Plus, we didn't rehearse what we were going to say, so it was all improvised on the spot. The lower primary was an easier crowd to handle; the upper primary were so stoic and unresponsive. Oh well. I am just glad that the presentation's over!! Imagine, 11:05 - 12:05 then repeat
broadcast from 12:35 - 1:35. Madness.

Awesome news is that the Science com decided to play my Earth Day video after the presentation *runs around the room* It was to be played during our school's Earth Day celebration but again... *curses Murphy* somehow the video could not be played :( It stopped mid-way. The boys were terribly unhappy and they even boo-ed!! I HEART THEM!!! So, today, they played my video and the boys loved it! Oh, how they loved it! They read the subtitles out loud and they bopped their heads to the music playing. I didn't know our boys were such rockers!! When the video ended, many started yelling for it to be played again!? I HEART THEM!!!

It was the musical rehearsal after school. The music com managed to get Rodney Oliveiro to train the boys. He is good, being a professional but he was great working with the main cast. Oh, I'm playing the role of a mother going through a divorce. So my once athletic and sociable kid is now sullen and withdrawn. Apparently I give him Twinkies and Coke for recess. I'm Mrs Chan. I don't know how I'm going to pull that off. Adopt a
twang perhaps *wink* The actual dates of the performance are the 20th and 21st of August. Tick tock tick tock...

My day didn't end there. I had to be briefed about a Math competition that will take place over 5 days, this week and the next week. I've been stereotyped! Who ever heard of an emcee for a Math competition?! Oh well... for me, that's not real work anyway; I'm ever ready and always comfortable when there's a microphone in my hand. *giggles*

A rather animated post, wouldn't you agree? I don't normally do a detailed
autopsy of my day, so cherish this post. It may be a while before I bore you with my dull life again!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Under Pressure... Again

I swear, this year, I've not had the time to breathe. Back to back events, projects etc... I'm going to scream and my head is going to pop! Just a quick update on what's on my plate currently. This serves as a reminder to me as well.

  • Family Day - Lifestyle Island which covers P1 Dance Competition, P2 Drama Performance, Spa (Massage and Nail spa) area, game stalls, assembly programme
  • Musical - Actor / Actress / Emcee Co-ordinator and actress

Those are just the big portions... I still have existing com duties, future com duties, school admin, class admin and oh yea, my personal life to fuss over. How is it possible that I have not gone stark raving mad yet?!

My to-do list is 3 pages long :( I need a hug...

Well, meeting Ismadi for a quick dinner today was somewhat relaxing and rejuvenating. He's such an awesome pal. He is one of the few friends who do not judge you and genuinely accepts you for who you are. But if you're fucking up something, he will tell it to your face; so that's loyalty and honesty right there for you. Hahaha... he's so laid back and yet can be such a workaholic at the same time! He is one of those rare few who knows how to work well and play hard. He's definitely a friend I wouldn't want out of my life, ever.

Back to reality now, folks. Hope you're having a better week than your humble curbside poet here.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Bliss

Woop woop! Exams are over... which means the hols are just around the corner! WOOP WOOP!

I absolutely love bumming around. All I did today was eat, nap and watch a bunch of movies. On the list were
Training Day, Scoop and Monsters vs Aliens. Hmmm... what shall I watch next *laughs hysterically*

Oh, sorry Faqih; guess your tuner has to wait. I... just... can't... get... my... butt... off... the... couch...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Am A Convert

Ever since I can remember, I have been using Herbal Essences. I have loved it up till quite recently. I was using the one for oily hair and it made my hair dry. Then I changed to the one for dry hair and it made my hair... yea you guessed it, oily. I was getting frustrated.

A friend recommended
Silkpro and I am loving it!! I've been using it for the past 2 days but I can see, smell and feel the difference! My hair is back to its original fabulous state *grin* Yea, I know, I am vain but I do love my hair very VERY much :)

On a more serious note, it's the exams now. Looking at the results for their English paper, they have improved remarkably, with many meeting my expectations. So that's great. Then again, as for the failures, sigh... SIGH... I did expect them to fail but... a tiny part of me was hoping for miracle. Math tomorrow! Gah!!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Something Must Be Done

Can someone please explain to me why car alarms always go off during thunderstorms??? It's even more annoying when the car owner doesn't seem to be in the vicinity to turn it off. Gosh. 3 in the friggin' morning!! That is an outrage.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cat and Mouse

I love that song but this post isn't about it.

Today, another colleague approached me and asked if everything's alright with me. Her remark did take me by surprise because I was having a slightly above average day. Nothing bothered me that much. That, and she's not the first to have asked me that, believe it or not! Now that surprised me tremendously. I mean, I was having a rough semester; I was nearing the brink of a meltdown / nervous breakdown and these colleagues were there for me during my ordeal. Now that all of that drama is over, I feel somewhat at ease; like a burden's lifted but I am still not happy, you know?

The irony is, I am aware of my unhappiness but I am unaware of its cause. I do know it is work related though. Other than that...

I am not happy with the environment I am working in, to be completely honest with you. I still do not feel like I've fit in or settled in with the system. I love my colleagues (just a few of them) but that's not enough. I am tired and have reached the point where I ask myself, "Who have I become?"

I find myself chasing a dream in a place that makes it difficult for me to achieve my dream. I feel stifled and controlled... cue
I Want to Break Free...

The clock's ticking and I have yet to make a decision.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Under Pressure

I think the exam stress is getting to me. I had 3 versions of the same dream in one morning. In all 3, I woke up late (8:45am) and panicked about not informing the office and having missed the boys' exam. Same dream sequence 3 times but different people were involved. First was a male colleague, second involved my 2nd brother and one of them boys starred in the third dream. The dreams were 2 hours apart (I checked the clock) up till my alarm rang. Bloody, I may be just losing my mind. Long weekend, where art thou???