Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Am A Convert

Ever since I can remember, I have been using Herbal Essences. I have loved it up till quite recently. I was using the one for oily hair and it made my hair dry. Then I changed to the one for dry hair and it made my hair... yea you guessed it, oily. I was getting frustrated.

A friend recommended
Silkpro and I am loving it!! I've been using it for the past 2 days but I can see, smell and feel the difference! My hair is back to its original fabulous state *grin* Yea, I know, I am vain but I do love my hair very VERY much :)

On a more serious note, it's the exams now. Looking at the results for their English paper, they have improved remarkably, with many meeting my expectations. So that's great. Then again, as for the failures, sigh... SIGH... I did expect them to fail but... a tiny part of me was hoping for miracle. Math tomorrow! Gah!!