This is from Joseph. He made the card on the spot by stealing my FB profile pic. I love the card! It's absolutely beautiful! The candy, he ran to the shops near the school to get it and he ran back to school to pass it to me. So sweet, right?? Okay... okay... I may have exaggerated on the running bit BUT he was all sweaty and out of breath when he passed me the stuff ;)

This is from Jacinta. Can you believe that she did it on the morning itself? She is so bloody talented! And... *blush*... she said the 3 words that I've always wanted her to say to me... "You complete me"... *blush* She is such an awesome person and I really look up to her. I'll miss her the most in the school :(

Now these are from Jasper. I joked that the gifts were perfect for me as he knows me so well. The masquerade mask represents the proud side of me and the Dead Fred pen holder represents the violent side to me (you've to stick your pen into the hole which is actually where his heart is). He too is another person I'll miss. He is such a warm, understanding and positive person. He always knows what to say to make me feel better.

And this beauty is from Saras. I love her. She is one of my closest friends. She surprised me with this bouquet the moment I walked into the staffroom. Ain't it gorgeous?
Such a great day today :)
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