- Bored Go Where - I would honestly visit this site quite religiously.
- Antisocial Go Where - For those, like me, who shun crowded spots. The only downfall is popularity would defeat the purpose of the site.
- Emo Go Where - For those who are tired of sitting in the bathroom slitting your wrists, visit the site for more locations to brood with your posse.
- Lazy Go Where - Haunts located a stone's throw from your area of residence.
A crazy thought was to have one that catered to your lifestyle choice (Straight Go Where, Gay Go Where, Curious Go Where etc...). Come on, it's hilarious!! Don't get me wrong, this is just meant to be a joke but as Barney (as in Neil Patrick Harris' character in How I Met Your Mother and not the purple dinosaur) would say, "If you don't laugh, it would just seem mean."
Plus I was awake way after my bedtime so I had to stop coming up with site names... and for the record, if those names do get used, you heard it here first.
Oh and Aqil, stop reading what I KNOW you're reading before you get addicted. Ask me nicely and I may just share with you my favourite stories *wink wink*.