For the first time ever, I left school right on the dot. There wasn't a meeting or a workshop to attend, heck, it wasn't anything work related. I just had lunch with my colleagues. I felt so guilty, still. I completely blame it on peer pressure. I really wanted to stay back and get some marking done but they were so persistent on me leaving and lunching with them. Peer pressure is a dangerous, dangerous affair.
But alas! I was spotted by none other than a student from my form class. SEE! Play truant and you get caught! Lesson learnt here, kids.
On the other hand, lunch was absolutely delicious...
I had a Transporter marathon the weekend before school officially started and boy oh boy oh boy am I hooked. Jason Statham is YUMMY! For the record I have no interest in action flicks ala the likes of Bond, Mission Impossible, Die Hard etc...
However, what are rules if they're not broken, yes? His character exudes so much confidence, poise and cool, I had to turn down the heating and refill my glass of water ever so often. Yummy is the only English-word equivalent to what he does to me. If I were to give it a non-English-word, it'd probably be something along the lines of "mmmmhhhhhyymmzzzzzzbbbbbttttt".
Yummy even when candid. Gosh. I'm such a groupie!

Don't tell me that does NOTHING to you?

Yes, I am a hopeless case.
We may remember this... I sure do. Things have changed and I am glad though cautious, nonetheless. Losing a dear friend is tough but rekindling what was lost is even tougher. After a pretty long chat last night, not till the wee hours of the morning this time, there is a high possibility that him and I may satisfy our cravings and head to Ben & Jerry's later tonight. I sure hope they run out of Turtle Soup... but indulge we will.
I feel so elevated, but bearing in mind the above, I'm not inching my way towards heaven anytime soon... I may have just covered a good number of the 7 Deadly Sins, ay? Thus the title, my comrades! *wink-wink*
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