Sunday, March 15, 2009

Athena is getting bigger... and heavier and tougher... I took her to the vet to get her shots and the vet thought she was a year old. He told me I was mistaken. I was like dude, she could barely fit into my palm when I found her?! It is true, she has grown a lot since then. I love Athena. The moment I get home, I call out to her and she comes running up to the door. I grab her and cradle her in my arms, scratch / pat her and she will lick my fingers. Then she gets bored, bites me and I set her free. Hahaha... tough love, I guess. That's the highlight of my day. Seriously.

Gah. My gums are hurting so much. Could be gingivitis. Who knows? Maybe it's time I took out my wisdom tooth. Now that will keep me entertained for a week or two. This is the worst feeling ever; I'm like so bummed out and all I want to do is laze around. I can't speak coz it hurts to open my mouth. Major sigh-ness.

But of course, I will entertain you with pictures. Here's the Facebook link...