Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Universe is Playing Tricks on Me

Sex and the City said it first that the only way to get a date was to have a date. Or something along those lines. Sarah Jessica Parker's (I just love saying her name) character was moping that she was single and wanted to go out on a date. Then, just like that she was asked out not once, but twice by 2 different men. So from zero to two! Yea, she is fabulous that way...

My point to this entry? Not long ago a guy I once dated, contacted me after months of silence. I found out that he had just broken up with his girlfriend and he was looking around for someone else. I have reliable sources, mind you. But I shot him down, mainly because I had my eyes on someone else and I didn't want to screw that up and also because I AM NOT HIS BACK UP!! Plus, he asked me out over sms. So un-classy.

Just today, an old fling (3 years ago) im-ed me and asked me out yada-yada. I'm not saying things are exclusive or even serious with this one but still, I am not taking chances to screw this up. So I declined his proposal over MSN. Also so un-classy.

But seriously, where were the 2 of you when I was genuinely bored and was very much single?! Why pop up now?! Really REALLY bad timing.

*shakes fist at sky for dramatic effect* -> I've been saying that a lot recently.