My duty this morning was to confirm the attendance of the P1 level. The Form Teachers will mark the attendance during assembly when the boys have already assembled and give the files to the General Office. My duty is to then collect these files (of an assigned level) and to go around to the classes confirming their attendance. I will then report my findings back to the office who will then have another teacher assigned to call up the absentees to enquire as to why they are not present in school for that day.
A bloody waste of time if you ask me. I do not believe THAT is part of our job scope. A free period is not for us to be forced to do work that we did not sign up for. Then you complain... no, provide feedback that we are inefficient or cannot seem to make deadlines. Bah.
So... on my rounds, I could not find 1 class. I literally searched high and low for the class - walked up and down levels. I looked at the timetable and saw that it was EL so I listed out the possible locations that the teacher could have taken the class to. It was 3 periods so it had to be a comfortable venue. Strange. All my options turned up nil. I went back down to the class and found 3 boys inside. Here's our exchange:
Me: Hey boys, do you know where your class is?
Them: Probably in the Dance Studio.
Me: What? What lesson is it now?
Them: English.
Me: And they're in the Dance Studio? Do you normally have your classes there?
Them: Yea. Sometimes here. Sometimes there.
Me: Okay. Do you want to follow me up?
Them: No. We usually stay here and do our work.
Perplexed, I was. A state of disbelief I was in. So I made my way up to the Dance Studio and all was revealed. Yes, she had her Modern Dance boys rehearsing AND she had her English class seated in the corner... not doing work, but watching the rehearsals. My my my... from the 3 boys' response, I'm guessing this isn't the first time either.
Glad that I've finally found the class and that I can go back to the staffroom to do some REAL work, I made my way to the General Office. I bumped into management and reported my findings in the most diplomatic way possible. Oh, you know *** ***, I had a tiring morning today... I lost a class... Had to walk all over tha place.... laughs.... I told everything as how I saw it. Management's response? I take it that this is feedback and not a complaint. That was very biting and I was slightly taken aback. Management was neither angry, upset nor baffled but seemed annoyed at me for a reason. I even was told off for not bringing the boys up to the Dance Studio!
Hey bitch! That ain't my class and it ain't my responsibility. I'm doing my rounds under your command. Plus, I did ask the boys to go up but they said that they were told to stay in class and to do their work. Seems to me like they're used to this system of things. Why don't you ask the subject teacher who's at this moment conducting CCA instead of a lesson. Of course, what I said was much more streamlined and coherent than that.
Management's only other response was that she'd have a word with PE HOD and the teacher's RO. I was dismissed after that.
My my my... the things that people can get away with... now, imagine if that were me... I would be sacked if I attempted a stunt like that brave but well protected teacher.
I am so jaded and Kravitz's Fly Away is playing right now. Heh. I love my shuffle play; it has never failed me.