Tuesday, September 08, 2009

To The Girlfriends!

I miss my girls. They're the best thing to have ever happened to me. They truly know me and they understand me better than most. I daresay even better than my family. Kudos to Zahara for organising the dinner. It was great seeing them and catching up on lost years.

I didn't have any intention of sharing too much information about my work or personal life but like I said, they know me. They could sense that I was burdened and it only took one simple question and a squeeze of a hand for me to start pouring my heart out. The dams were broken.

I shared about my unhappiness and frustration at work and how I was so close to giving up... for good. They listened to me, without interrupting me - now that's great friendship. I hate it when people interject my stories with stories of their own. I'll be like what's up with that? It's my story now... chill, I'll give you time for yours...

Anyway, I couldn't lie to them and tell them that everything's alright. I tried but they saw right through me. They're amazing - gems... truly gems. It was good though, getting all of that off of my chest. I've been meaning to share my woes with someone but I've lost the one person I could really talk to and everyone else has their own issues to sort out. So Zahara's dinner couldn't have come at a better time.

They gave me the strength and support that I needed and the promise that they'll be there for me whenever I need them. I love you guys so much!