Monday, October 05, 2009


  • capable of being believed
  • worthy of belief or confidence; trustworthy

Being credible is subjective. Does being more senior / experienced make you a credible person? Does being charismatic or adamant to a point of annoyance make you trustworthy?

I think not. Show me that I can trust you. Show me that I should trust you. It is common knowledge and especially after our chat, it is pretty evident that you are in fact, an idiot. Besides telling me that you
don't know and that I should find out for myself, you've not given me reason to trust you or to respect you even. Yet you demand it. Don't we teach our students that in order to gain respect they have to show respect to others?

How can I respect someone who obviously takes sides without finding out the truth? Even when the truth has been presented to you, you choose to dismiss it. Then you turn it around and claim that I am too sensitive and should be more hardy.

I find all of this very amusing. It is stupid to get so worked up over such a small matter. It feels like playground banter to me. Let's all try to grow up, shall we?

Take this as feedback and not a complaint.