Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Time for Truce? I hope not.

Gah. I'm in the same room as Senior. I don't mind the fact that we will be in the same centre for these 4 days but what are the odds of us being in the same room!! Someone's playing a practical joke on me. Hey. Hey, you up there! It ain't funny!!

Oh well, I can be civil if the need arises... only if the need arises. Which means I won't initiate any conversation nor will I put myself in a position where we would need to converse with each other.

I lie. We did converse. Thinking about it, he was way more civil than I was. Thinking about it some more, it could have been me who made things awkward between us and not him. He initiated a conversation even when he did not have to. He has been cordial towards me whereas I have been rather standoff-ish.

Hmmm. I still prefer not to have him be a part of my life. It was messy before and it will definitely be messy now. Do I miss what we had? Not really. Perhaps not even at all. Here's to simplicity!