I'm just as amazed as you are; how I find the time to be such a diligent blogger. Blogging is cathartic, as you well now. I thought I'd share with you, what an insane day I had today. This will be one of many, that I am sure of.
Last night, I was fussing over an assembly programme I had to present with a colleague today. Come today, we realised that no announcement was made for it in the morning and the teachers were unaware of the double assembly programme. Obviously we freaked out. All the key personnel in charge of assembly programmes were not in school (very conveniently) including our boss. Who to speak to? How to inform the school of the assembly programme? How to face the wrath of the teachers coz they would rather spend the time going through the exam papers with the boys? A flurry of questions swarmed us. Thankfully, that was settled in the nick of time and all we had to do was to present twice; once during the lower primary assembly and the other during the upper primary assembly. Boy, were we wrong.
Murphy paid us a visit and almost everything that could go wrong, did. Slide wouldn't play, video files were missing and we had to settle all of that albeit being the presenters. It was a mad rush for us! Plus, we didn't rehearse what we were going to say, so it was all improvised on the spot. The lower primary was an easier crowd to handle; the upper primary were so stoic and unresponsive. Oh well. I am just glad that the presentation's over!! Imagine, 11:05 - 12:05 then repeat broadcast from 12:35 - 1:35. Madness.
Awesome news is that the Science com decided to play my Earth Day video after the presentation *runs around the room* It was to be played during our school's Earth Day celebration but again... *curses Murphy* somehow the video could not be played :( It stopped mid-way. The boys were terribly unhappy and they even boo-ed!! I HEART THEM!!! So, today, they played my video and the boys loved it! Oh, how they loved it! They read the subtitles out loud and they bopped their heads to the music playing. I didn't know our boys were such rockers!! When the video ended, many started yelling for it to be played again!? I HEART THEM!!!
It was the musical rehearsal after school. The music com managed to get Rodney Oliveiro to train the boys. He is good, being a professional but he was great working with the main cast. Oh, I'm playing the role of a mother going through a divorce. So my once athletic and sociable kid is now sullen and withdrawn. Apparently I give him Twinkies and Coke for recess. I'm Mrs Chan. I don't know how I'm going to pull that off. Adopt a twang perhaps *wink* The actual dates of the performance are the 20th and 21st of August. Tick tock tick tock...
My day didn't end there. I had to be briefed about a Math competition that will take place over 5 days, this week and the next week. I've been stereotyped! Who ever heard of an emcee for a Math competition?! Oh well... for me, that's not real work anyway; I'm ever ready and always comfortable when there's a microphone in my hand. *giggles*
A rather animated post, wouldn't you agree? I don't normally do a detailed autopsy of my day, so cherish this post. It may be a while before I bore you with my dull life again!