Saturday, December 11, 2010

Narnia 3 Review

I've had a major (over)dose of fantasy these past couple of months. In eager anticipation of Harry Potter 7 Part 1, I had to catch up by watching the other movies. The Goblet of Fire is still my absolute favourite of the lot, with The Order of the Phoenix coming a close second. For The Chronicles of Narnia 3, I had but to watch the first two movies to catch up with the latest installment. How else would anything make any sense? I've not read the books nor do I intend to, so I had to rely on the movies to follow the sequence of events.

Now that Harry Potter will be old news sometime mid of next year, I'm guessing the Narnia series will take over the throne unless of course some other fantasy flick / series reveals itself. There's like what, 4 or 5 to go?

The Narnia series has a pretty simplistic plot and is easy to follow. The difficulty, without compromising the plot, is that it has way too many characters and it takes you a while to keep up. I love the special effects for this one. My favourite CGI would be Aslan, of course. He has such an aura about him and you cannot but hold your breath to try to absorb all which he says. And AND there's a dragon! A fire-breathing dragon! The richness of the effects astounded me, I'm sure you can tell.

The only flaw, but not a major one, is that very quickly the pace of the action scenes quickens and you find yourself darting your eyes to keep up. Somewhere near the end or 3/4 way through, things slow down and you can digest what had passed and what's to come.

My favourite character would have to be the annoying, whiny, rather spoiled Eustace. The actor who played him, Will Poulter, in my opinion, played the role to perfection without over-acting one bit. He made the movie, without a doubt as he played a very valuable character in a good portion of the films. New guy, doubts himself, but finds courage and saves the day. It's such a pity that he dies in the series. I would love to see how his character develops.

My verdict? A must see.